04 May 2006

Another Slow Month

...well, slow for O2D development. I have been very busy at work (the paying kind), so progress has been rather slow after the last update. I'm currently working on the first example game, the particle system and the camera system.

Pygext has an undocumented early prototype of the camera system, but for Opioid2D, it will be properly integrated from the get go. Instead of having screen coordinates, every Sprite will have "world coordinates" instead. The Camera object can be moved around, rotated and zoomed, as well as mounted into objects to e.g. create a game where the display automatically follows the player sprite. You can choose on a per layer basis, how the camera affects the layer to make static UI layers or layers that apply a lesser transformation (for parallax scrolling).

SHMUP-DEV just launched a new competition, and I'd really like to participate, but I'm not sure how I'm going to find time for it. May will be even busier than April work-wise.